Last Updated: January, 2025
Playfriends is committed to ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all users. We have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of child abuse, exploitation, or endangerment. Any users who fail to uphold our policies for protecting minors (anyone under the age of 18) may face account suspension, removal, and potential legal action.
The following actions are strictly prohibited and may result in permanent removal from Playfriends and legal action:
To ensure the safety and well-being of children on our platform, we have implemented proactive measures and educational initiatives aimed at protecting minors and empowering all users to maintain a secure online environment.
We encourage our community to act swiftly and responsibly if they encounter any instances of child exploitation or abuse, either within or beyond our platform. Depending on your location, the following organizations and resources are available for reporting such incidents:
Global Resources
Regional Resources
Reporting Mechanisms
If you suspect a child is being abused or exploited:
We remain committed to working alongside these global organizations to ensure swift action is taken against any form of exploitation. By providing these resources, we aim to foster a community that prioritizes the safety and dignity of all individuals, especially children.
Playfriends continuously updates its policies, safety measures, and AI moderation tools to eliminate risks and maintain a safe streaming environment for all users.